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Innovation in Management - chance or failure?

Management involves the management of a group of people who achieve a common goal in accordance with the purpose of the organization to which they belong. By excellence, innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs and managers trying to explore and exploit change for better business management and services. Innovation is finally a search organized with a clearly defined purpose for a significantly improved productivity.

Innovation has three levels of development: market globalization, the dynamic development of technology and innovative products and services, as a competitive factor. Reinventing continuous search for new management mechanisms, all do their best for the organization or company will not be forgotten

In the current context of economic crisis, innovation in management gets a big question mark. Many analysts say that economic collapse is the direct effect of quitting without fear traditional management mechanisms and promoting new, innovative ones. After all, to do performance in an environment where information quickly go to many people and competitive strategy is zero, and change is accelerating and grows exponentially, need to innovate, to find new management tools to be open to innovation. Mechanisms management classic undoubtedly remain the basis of any management process well done but attacking the new management processes and the new instruments are a great opportunity for differentiation in a competitive and transparent market.

Innovation management is not easy to do, is somehow artificial, that opposes the old theory according to which a thing, an action, a process that has worked well in the past should be applied now and in the future arises whenever a similar context.  Tolerance of uncertainty is one of the emergence of innovation in management, along with choosing a manager open to innovation and not one who prefers the old mechanisms. Sure, it is risky, but in the near future would be that management practices that brought, created added value to no longer do and then what named management mechanism will not ever exist.

The need for certainty and control often cut the momentum of innovation in management

Policy innovation activity involves creating an innovational positive and  enunciation innovation goals, consistent with organizational goals and individuals or groups promoting innovation, creative and independent. However, despite efforts of  “enemies” innovation in management -attachment, ego, need for control and complacency - can ruin any attempt to the implementation of new management tools and innovative processes. Attachment refers to the issues mentioned above, related to the past using the same mechanism for any context or situation in the present or future, which fits. Taking into account feedback from customers and improving practices, inspiring the innovative actions of other large companies, are just a few ways to avoid this “enemy”.

To combat the second “enemy” of management of innovation- ego -  be prepared to reward different ideas, good, new, creative employees and let them know that their ideas and suggestions are very valuable to the organization or company.

The need for control can be kept in check by accepting other approaches than the one where you think -  Your plan is not always the best.

The last and the biggest problem in the way of innovation in management is the complacency. Many are complacent, expecting to see a problem to act, to become creative, to improve something. Any successful manager must be open-minded, and consider new ideas that seem misplaced, maybe at first sight. Overall, if it manages implementation of the four “Antibiotics” the enemies of innovation in management, company or organization will have suddenly many opportunities for development.

In conclusion, management innovation is a chance if it succeeds in transforming innovation into capacity and understanding of the concept of open-mindedness – here, management consultancy plays essential  roll that can bring new sources of profitable growth.

At the same time, innovation in management is a failure if its enemies are not combated intelligent, active and creative. Team 




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